Saturday, March 7, 2009

I was Lost but now I am Found, the camera anyway!

Me on the lift

Patrick The Bossman
Broken stuff we fix

My favorite place
The Thirsty Squirrel
Justin AKA Sasquatch
Barman Ken
Me and my son Harrison
Well Cameron's son anyway
Parker 3 and wide open
Snowcat and me
Fun with snow removal loader
The now infamous shuttlecat
Christmas in the Can
Well as you know I broke the first camera by dumping a glass of water on it while in Eastern NC, I then had the second camera stolen from my truck. The third camera I got was lost on the first day I used it, or so I thought. It turns out that I had put the camera in an inside pocket of my day/ski pack for safe keeping. That night I went to the Thirsty Squirrel, the resorts finest watering hole, and had a few of their finest Utah 3.2 PBR's and a few shots of Jameson's finest Irish Whiskey. Needless to say the next morning I could not for the life of me figure out what I had done with the newest camera.
I must have looked for a few weeks and was just about to go and buy another #4 camera when I stumbled on camera#3. To say I was excited was an understatement!
So now without further a due, I give you PICTURES!!!!!!

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